Wednesday, October 28, 2015

BR 2-01: The clumsy crocodile (Felicity Everett, 2002)

Cassy is a crocodile. She goes to the new workplace for the first time. She is going to work in the Everglades where is the biggest in the town. She works eagerly, but she always fails. For example, she smashed many cups, and she accidentally broke some toys, and she dropped a bowl of salad.
Finally, she was told "You're fired!" by her boss. However, she begged him." Just give me one more chance.” As a result, she can work in the Luxury Goods Depertment.
She keeps guard over the Everglades Emerald there, but theieves were hiding in the floor.
They broke the glass that was protecting the Emerald. Cassy rushed to the direction which the noise carried out. At that time, she fell down and toppled the big pot. The pot fitted into their heads entirely. Cassy's boss come, and he thinks that she catch the theieves. Cassy was prised having caught the thieves, and she was given a medal. She become a hero. After that, she become Everglades's Chief!

Everett, Felcity. (2002) The Clumsy Crocodile. London,England : Usborne Publishing Ltd
[183 words/2433 words]

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